Creating a Fake AP

Tools Needed:
  -bash script
  -Backtrack 4
  -Wireshark (to monitor activity)

1.  Make sure you're connected to the internet you can check this by typing ifconfig in the terminal window.  If you notice you do not have connection or you lack an IP Address you can type dhclient in the terminal window and an IP Address will be assigned to your computer.  (To open wireless network configuration type wicd & in the command window.
2.  After you have connected to the internet you want to run the bash script (in this case  For instructions on running the script type bash
After you run the script your screen should look like the following:
As soon as your victim connects to your fake AP your screen should look like the following:
3.  In order to monitor your victim's activity you must open Wireshark by entering wireshark & into the command window.  After you have opened Wireshark, be sure to capture on the appropriate interface of your wireless connection:
And BOOM!! You can now monitor the users' activity: